Myth: Deforestation leads to less snow |
There has always been myths. This story is about the myths of amereica before they were either proven right or wrong. The story states that europeins even had myths of america before thay came, which i could see. All the hype of new land just waiting to be discovered, who wouldnt want to talk about it. And when people talk, little white lies start. Those lies become popular and then turn to myths. One story in this passage got me thinking. Climate change was one big myth. In 1771, it was said that cutting down trees for wood was exposing soil. the soil is a darker color so it didnt radiate heat, but absorbed it. at the same time, winters were having less snowfall. this led people to believe that the warmer ground from soil being exposed led to the snow melting faster and longer summers.This is funny. I say this because me and my friends say our own myths, like global warming has shifted the months, it is often warmer in novemeber than what i remember when i was a child. I remember novembers where it snowed, but now it doesnt snow until december. But in reality, it is probally just a random occurance that the planet has. How many people in the last 250 years have made there ouw theories on climate change? Im sure way more than we can count. Untill there is a recorded history on weather climates over a thousand years or more, all these theories will be is myths.
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