Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The Climythology of America

Myth: Deforestation leads to less snow
There has always been myths. This story is about the myths of amereica before they were either proven right or wrong. The story states that europeins even had myths of america before thay came, which i could see. All the hype of new land just waiting to be discovered, who wouldnt want to talk about it. And when people talk, little white lies start. Those lies become popular and then turn to myths. One story in this passage got me thinking. Climate change was one big myth. In 1771, it was said that cutting down trees for wood was exposing soil. the soil is a darker color so it didnt radiate heat, but absorbed it. at the same time, winters were having less snowfall. this led people to believe that the warmer ground from soil being exposed led to the snow melting faster and longer summers.This is funny. I say this because me and my friends say our own myths, like global warming has shifted the months, it is often warmer in novemeber than what i remember when i was a child. I remember novembers where it snowed, but now it doesnt snow until december. But in reality, it is probally just a random occurance that the planet has. How many people in the last 250 years have made there ouw theories on climate change? Im sure way more than we can count. Untill there is a recorded history on weather climates over a thousand years or more, all these theories will be is myths.

A Catastrophe Notes

John Tyndall

John Tyndall could well be one of the first people to know about the atmosphere scientifically. He set out to study the sky in 1820, when he left school. His studies led him to find out about the greenhouse effect. This is essential for life. The greenhouse effect helps keep the perfect amount of energy in the atmosphere. where does this energy come from? the sun. Our star give out more energy in a second than ever human has ever made biologically. To sustain life, earth has to send and receive the same amount of energy, which was fine, but recently with global warming, the greenhouse effect is wearing off and when this happens, the planet warms up. This is not new information, Tyndall was the first to aknowledge this and that was almost 200 years ago. if we continue this trend of warming the planet and leaving it for someone else to take care of, eventually were not going to have this beautiful green and blue planet.
A warmer sky

Friday, November 16, 2012

Al Gore's Inconevient Truth Movie

This week in class we watched the movie An Inconvenient Truth. A couple weeks ago we read a short story with some quotes from Al Gore about global warming and i learned so much more during the movie than the short story. The movie had some of the same facts but it gave visual representations. I am a visual learner and I grasped so much more during the movie. One thing that he said that really intreagued me is that 20 years ago, scientists said that the glacirs in antartica wouldnt melt for another hunderd years, but in 2005, when the movie was released, the giant ice caps already started melting into the ocean. When the ice melts, it fills the ocean with water, raising the sea level. I just saw the movie Cloud Atlas. In one part of the movie, the setting was in New Soul, South Korea into the near future. New Soul was at least a hundred feet about Soul, because Soul was flooded when the ice caps were melted. I didnt think much of it, untill I saw Al Gore's movie and he said in areas like China, Russia and Korea would be effected greatly and the millions of people living there would be homeless due to the flooding. I hope that Humans can work together to prevent this or if the ice caps do melt, we as a species can make some new device that is like a giant ice ray to re freeze the water in the arctic to bring the flooding down again.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Al Gore's Inconvenient Truth

Al Gore did a lot of studies on global warming and with all of the evidence that he found, he mad a movie and a book. All Gore is a former vice president. What he found is that humans are causing global warming. According to the film, stronger hurricanes are increasing. Last week in class, we watched a video on Hurricane Katrina. The video showed how hurricans are made. One of the vital causes of them is the warm water. the warmer the water in the hurricans path, the stronger it gets. So this idea is completly practical. Global warming is melting the ice and making our oceans warmer, so it is 100% a fact that storms will be getting stronger the warmer the water gets. Another main tompic is how if global warming increases, the oceans will be warmer and could melt greenland. Greenland is a giant icecube almost the size of the main United States. if it melts, it coulr raise the water 20 feet. This would be catastrofical for the islands and countries only a few feet above sea level. the people living there would die or have to move, only populating the land elsewhere,  which would be very bad for the overpopulation on cities. This story has opened my mind on global warming and i now think differently when I see emissions leaving vehicals at stop lights.

Monday, November 5, 2012

A Warm Christmas?

The seasons are changing yet again and I am looking foreward to the change. The time changed yesterday and I went to work at four o'clock and it was almost dark, they had me working drive through, which is where i hand out food to the customers. It got dark and cool around 4:30 and which is quite different from just a month ago when it got dark around 6 or 7. I handed out one order inperticular and im not sure if it was the hot chocolate or the chilly temperature outside, but i felt like i was working on winter break, just before christmas. This intreged me because it was at least 50 degrees outside and there was no snow what so ever. tAs i thought about it more, i realized that 10 years ago there was snow every december, except last year. Last year was supposed to be one of the worst years of snowfall in recoreded history, but it only snowed in blakets a few times. So does this mean that global warming is changing the seasons? Winter and summer both got warmer. Global warming enthusists have been warning us about this for years, but most accept it like its written in stone. I believe that if we all try hard enough, we can help stop global warming in its path.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Hurrican Sandy

Just as we start learning more about hurricanes like Katrina which happened in 2007, another one hits the United States and its' name is Sandy (Left). The two storms have a lot of simularities. they both have flooded the areas that they hit leaving nasty water within buildings and the streets. Hurricane Sandy has done some serious damage to New Yorks subway system, flooding it severly (Right). This time, red cross was able to help out a decent amount of victoms that needed it. This Storm has brought water up for over a mile in some places, stunning residents. The storm has also brought snow to areas all over the East Coast. New Jersey has some sever flooding, it has sank rollercoasters and eye witnesses have reported sharks in the flooded water. To me, that is a very scary thought, imagine, you go onto your doorstep to look into the river infront that was just a week ago, a street, to see a sharks fin flying through the water. Hopefully the coast guard will start draining the cities so those people can go back to their daily lives.
Brant Beach, N.J.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Story of Stuff

My teacher showed my class a video a couple weeks ago on an organization called The Story of Stuff Project. It is a website that informs the public on what the corporations are doing behind our backs. I decided to wright my second research paper on this. Most of my research was directly from their website which came to be a quite valuable source. Story of Stuff is famous for their online videos that are easy to watch. Story of Stuff sends 100 dvds of the videos to schools and buisness every month. The videos range from facts about water bottles to cosmetics to cap and trade. The organization started when Annie Leonard (left) wondered what was happening to trash. So she investigated and found surprizing material. With the information she found, she teamed up with Free Range Studios to make short easy to understand online videos. Their first video about trash got 50,000 views real quick and that surprized her and her team. now, just five years later the video has over 5,000,000. Story of Stuff is growing day by day and anybody can join or donate. Donations are helpful because Story of Stuff is a non-profit organization and there are a lot of costs to run this organization. Its quick and simple, for more information on Story of Stuff, go to